
2000. (Saturday)
0027 - 2Showbiz

Hey kids.

It's the summer holidays. So I've been sleeping a lot. Sleeping a lot means I get to dream a whole load more as well. And because I don't have to rush off to catch my bus, I have been able to remember them as well.

In the first, I was walking along a corridor. Dark grey walls, concrete. Water's dripping from the ceiling and the air's extremely moist. Turn a corner (left) and the walls and ceiling become glass. I can see dark blue water through them and I walk under the water. I see fish and rays swim over me. I walk through an airlock but I don't have to wait. I'm in a fairly large room, with white furry carpets and white everywhere except for the ceiling and walls which are a glass dome. I'm extremely tired and so lay down on and sink into the thick white rug. I fall asleep. I wake up and there are other people there. My mum, dad, uncles. Sisters and cousins running around as well but I never see them. I never see my parents or uncles for that matter... I know they're there but I can't see any of them. I walk up to the glass, but it's not glass. It's just plastic; the kind of plastic you get on packaging for toys; brittle, weak, but tough. I push it and little multi-coloured fishies swim around my finger. It's daytime and the water's a really light blue. I can see the sky. The surface is only a few feet above the top of the dome. I'm outside, hovering over a small, dirty pond, and I can see the room I was in, under the water. I'm back inside and the dome slides back. But water doesn't come in. Instead the room floats, like a platform, up to the surface. We're (I'm) in the middle of an ocean, calm blue waters, bright sun, no clouds. I can see my dad and he's playing with what looks like a joystick. The platform moves in correspondence to how he moves the stick. He's crap at controlling it and almost kills some midgets who are swimming / boating by. I take control and take the platform back under the sea. Everyone but me is washed away by the water. I bring the glass back and now it is glass; strong thick glass. It's dark again and I'm extremely warm and comfortable and sleepy. I lay on / in the rug and go to sleep.

In the second I'm in a room on the first floor of school. But it's much darker. The walls are dark grey metal with flashing lights all over them. There are no windows and the ceiling seems to be far too high. I'm performing some kind of test; there is lots of scientific equipment and wires and fuses in front of me and I appear to be doing something, but I don't know what. I finish whatever it is that I was doing and some people, who I can't quite make out but are wearing white, say I've won. I ask what. I'm outside and I'm walking. I see the Falconer and he asks whether I've done my coursework. I say I'll hand it in tomorrow. First thing? Sure. I'm back in the grey room and the people are clapping. I see a four and a mini-gun and I feel really happy. I'm awarded.

And there were more but I didn't remember them.

Now for some apple-ogies. There are things that I have done which I regret. I'm sure that most all of you have forgotten these things. On account of them not being that important. But in order to purge myself of them (running around and around and around in my head) I shall say sorry for them here. I could do it in personal e-mails. Or even to your face. But I won't.

Alice - Sorry for trying to be clever about where you lived.
Gareth - Sorry for being envious of you.
Gemma - Sorry for not realising you were asleep.
Melsy - Sorry for being envious of you.
Henry - Sorry for never bringing in those videos.
Ian - Sorry for building stuff up when there was nothing there.
Michael - Sorry for stopping talking.
Nikki - Sorry for not being clear. I don't.
Robert - Sorry for taking the piss out of your school website.
Shohan - Sorry for looking at my watch.
Tessa - Sorry for taking a couple of days.

And that's it. Not as many as I thought there would be. But at least now they're out of my head. Some of you will know what I'm gibbering about. Some of you won't. It really doesn't matter; I've apologised and meant it. Yay. And hey! If you think there's anything else I should apologise for? Go fudge yourself. 'Cos I can't think of a thing.

"If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you ever tried." Or something like that. A philosophy which I take very much to heart. Hence the cryptic.

That is all. I have made no new artwork this week. Nor do I have any subjects I feel like ranting on about. Hmm. Not being upset means I can't write. Ah well. Pain will come.


PS - www.freaks.fsnet.co.uk. New stuff done.

PPS - Oh, okay. Attached is a preview of a little something I'm working on. It's not finished yet, but will be one day.