
2001. (Sunday)
0083 - Ludic Slaphead

What is pornography? Is it pictures of a pretty girl in various states of undress? Pictures of a person sexually stimulating him or herself? Pictures of a person sexually stimulating others? Pictures of men fucking donkeys and donkeys fucking men? What of writing? Can printed words on paper be pornography? Is something pornographic if it stimulates erotic feelings? Does it have to do this intentionally? Does it have to be via the explicit depiction of sexual activity itself? And how fucking vague is the term "sexual activity" anyway? Is kissing therefore pornographic? Touching?

Answers on an ant, please.

A group of friends have spent between two and six years together, in some cases more. It is now the beginning and they go their separate ways. There are attempts to hold this group of friends together. Drinkwater set up an Ezboard, Michelle an MSN Community. Both have proved less than popular and this is a good thing. It's the summer holidays! No time for pissing around on computers. Those who would stay in touch will do so, interweb or no. We can therefore we must? No. Just because the mass-produced, homogenous means for remaining in contact exist (MSN, Ezboard et al) does not mean we should use them. I shall continue this weekly until my death, even if I send it to no-one and even if I send it to no-one but once a year. It is mine, not theirs, and this makes all the difference.

I would invite you to start something similar. Use it for more sensible things than I; updates on how your life is progressing, thoughts you have, feelings that have you. Send these writings, via post or email, to your friends now. As you make more friends add them to the list. Always add people, but only subtract if asked. Send as regularly or infrequently as you like; once a week or every few years, either way those who receive it will be glad to. Keep in touch, but only in the good way, and grow.

"Ye" is pronounced "The", "Olde" pronounced "Old" and "Shoppe" pronounced "Shop". Don't let me catch you speaking like the uneducated; I have just educated you.

And again; Ludic means playful.

Attached is a red shed. I told you I'd get around to photographing it sooner or later.

Your email address will remain hidden from now on. Too much hassle has been caused me in the last week over unlawful usage and I'll have no more of it. 26 people now receive this weekly, though two of those accounts seem dead. One of them I have no other way to contact the owner and this is a sad state of affairs. If you ever change email address, try and make sure your old one forwards to the new.