
2001. (Tuesday)
0079 - "...they're blue."

"Oh no! The volcano has erupted and our village is surely going to be destroyed! And we cannot move away because these are our Homes and we've put our Hearts and Souls into them... Please save us!"
    Fuckwits. You've built your house NEXT to a volcano. What do you think it's going to do, stop erupting? Just to suit you?! Fuckwits!

A mobile phone was given to me recently. And, since my values have deteriorated, I kept it (instead of giving it away like the one I got last year). I am now the enemy. Damn.
    Anyway, should you wish to call or text the enemy, now you can. Just don't expect it to be on.

My foot needs drugs. It had mushrooms growing on it, and so, nine weeks ago, I started giving it little blue and pink pills. These pills make me hungry, so I have been eating more regularly recently. This is the good thing. What these pills are actually supposed to be used for is the bad thing. From the accompanying leaflet:

Your doctor has prescribed Sporanox for you because you have an infection caused by fungi or yeasts. The infection may be affecting your vagina or mouth, causing "thrush", or the skin. Sporanox can also be used to prevent or treat fungal infections affecting other parts of the body."

Now I realise that I'm covered by the last sentence, not the one preceding it. But still.

Any of you kids want to come out and play? Apparently it's the summer holidays, and since I've started going to sleep at night and waking up in the day I've found myself lacking things to fill my time with. It's getting so bad I find myself NOT wanting to go on my computer when there's actual daylight outside. How queer. So if any of you are wise like me, and don't have a stupid part time job, come out and play. Let me know beforehand if you want to be super-nice.