
2000. (Sunday)

When I first heard the word suicide I thought it was a gas. Like carbon monoxide. I was about nine and I was walking across a concrete bridge. It was cloudy and I imagined a light grey smoke slithering down my throat, making it harder and harder to breathe until all I wanted to do was sleep and sleep.

So anyway...

Hey kids.

Attached you will find part 1 (of 3) of Simon and the Museum; a complete and utter piece of shite I wrote about four years ago. And I'm not being self-deprecating either. Upon re-reading this literary nightmare I was appalled at (a) how bad the artwork is and (b) the disgusting misuse of the English language. Apparently I had only just learnt of speech marks... and still didn't know just how to use them. So don't worry. Only another two weeks of this and then I imagine I'll unveil my brand-spanking-new literary project. Planning on getting the thing totally finished before I let any of you see it. So as I don't get behind on it. Hey! It's just like Frasier! When the new series is ended they show 'classic' repeats. Which is just like what I'm doing this week. Only Frasier repeats are actually funny... Hell, you want some good comics, go read Transmet or Preacher. You read this e-mail, you suffer accordingly. And so as you can understand what it is that is being said, I've also attached a text file as a translation. Humperdido.


Without my deep and meaningful rants I am nothing.

Or at least I can't think of much else to write.

In case you were interested, the bad stuff's still going on.

Nah, we all know the real reason these broken lines are here.

It's so as I can write a whole load of 'secret' white text.

And not have you guys any the wiser.

Damn I'm smart.

Ooh! Deep and meaningful (ish) rant!

I mean, this really should be white text...

But that's all taken up right now.

And most of you don't bother reading this thing anyway.

Hey! I remembered the question! The one I was going to ask you all a few weeks back!

Why did I remember? 'Cos it's only what my rant was going to be about.

But, alas, I am at present feeling alienated from (on account of me not knowing most of) you.

And so shall not tell you what it is.

I may be prepared to discuss some things.

But not all.

So maybe one or two of you will get an extra special bonus (AKA personal) e-mail from me, alongside this one, in your inbox this week.

So please respond to those.

Else I'll have asked for nothing.

For those of you who don't; don't worry (as I know you do). It's just a little bit of something that's been on my mind for a while.

Hey! Should any of you e-mail me, asking what in fudge's name I'm gibbering about, I may just tell you!

So long as you ask.

And I trust you.

Can you feel the suspense?

That should be enough for all the rest.

Tell me you don't want the next part of Simon and the Museum and I shall happily not send you it.

