
2000. (Saturday)
0020 - beautiful voices

Hey kids.

I overslept on Friday and so got the X5 into school. Behind me sat a couple of girls / young women. Didn't see their faces. But god, their voices! The most beautiful voices I have ever heard. I just sat there the entire bus journey listening to them. Not to what they were saying but the way in which they said it. I was like, damn, there is a god! So obviously I heard what they were saying. They went to either Cambridge or Oxford University or something. Or used to go there. Whatever, I now have motivation to go these places. Not for anything as silly as getting a good degree. Oh no. So as I can listen to more of those beautiful voices...

There has been a change of font. For I like this new one far more than the old one.

Thanks go to Drinkwater for the story and lyrics. Both were rather good.

So when I got off the bus I was tempted to look behind me to see the faces that went with those voices. But I didn't want to risk ruining my memory of the voices. So I didn't.

I have decided to steer clear of any more "profound and meaningful" rants for a while. I was being a pretentious prat, assuming I knew more than I did. Something you should all take into account when reading my writings: I do not care for, or about, other people. I'm not particularly happy with this, as it would seem caring about other people is what people do. But so far in my life I have not. So when I say that no-one cares about you I simply mean that I don't care about you. Talking in the plural is merely a result of me assuming others are like me. Which, it has been brought to my attention, is a falsity.

I borrowed three film books from the school library today. Two about the history of cinema and the other a biography of Anthony Perkins. He's dead. I didn't know that. And a film I was sure existed, having seen it, but not being able to find out anything about, has been proved true. The Trial. It was a rather screwed up film, directed by Orson Welles and starring Anthony Perkins. I also scanned in some rather beautiful stills. Attached is the new wallpaper I have on my computer. I've also made a whole new theme. Which is nice.

Last week, I said, in the white text, that I would ask you the question I originally intended to a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately I have forgotten it. Should I remember at some future time I shall ask you then.

I'm considering serialising some of the comics I have written and including them in later weekly e-mails. Should none of you tell me not to, you can look forward to page 1 of Simon and the Museum, next week.

And Drinkwater's silly Bcc thing. You a fool. It's rude to not say who you're talking to.

Maybe the hair will be short tomorrow. Who can say.
