
2000. (Saturday)
0004 - Smeg! Part 4 is here!

Hooyaka everybody.

This be the fourth e-mail thang... and part 3 of the story. I'll probably get around to sticking two parts in one e-mail at some time in the indefinite future...

Caleb and the Pixie Slaying Jelly Babies - Part 3
A Mega Sad Digression by Caleb Newcastle

Caleb set out on his quest to rid the world of the evil pixies. Before he had travelled thirty-hectares he came across the smouldering remains of another of their conquests. Amongst the rubble he found the scorched remains of a meat-feast pizza. "NOOO!!!!!!!!!!" he whispered.

To be continued...

'Kay, that's all you're getting this week. Writer's block doncha know.

Um... oh yeah, if anyone else wants it, there's a Snoopy theme for windows in my webspace at www.megasad2.freeserve.co.uk/snoopy/index.htm. "Why?" you ask? Why not.

Also, the freaks webshite has had a couple more pages added, those of Gemma Gittins and Matthew Clifton. And on Gareth Preston's page there's also a picture of Christina Ricci, 'cos he asked for it. If anyone else wants any pictures on their page, just let me know.

Caleb Newcastle