Traptured & Halsected!

Yesterday I went to the library and they cut my card in half, which seemed slightly excessive a punishment for not borrowing a book from them since 2003… So, they gave me a new card and with it I borrowed a book I read many years ago and now I scan some of it into computer form, that you all might enjoy:

( Read 23 Page Comic (10.7MB) )

It makes much use of my beloved portmanteau and is a sad story too. Here is a handy quote from Wikipedia:

“Moore’s run also included several references to obscure or forgotten comic characters (Phantom Stranger, Cain and Abel, & Floronic Man) but none so prominent as in issue 32, when he broke with the serious and moody storyline for a single issue. In the story “Pog,” we see Walt Kelly’s funny animal comic character Pogo (created in 1943) and all of his woodland friends show up as costumed visitors from another planet, looking for an unspoiled world after their own utopia had been overrun by brutal monkeys. More than a simple homage to Kelly, the story is a commentary on the lost innocence of the old comics, the cruelty of humans (who are referred to as “the loneliest animal of all”), and the destruction of a natural beauty that can never be reclaimed.”


I now have the graphic novel version of The Fountain too, and to read it whilst listening to the soundtrack is almost more glorious than the film itself.