
Today, Anita gave me some LEGO that she found in amongst her Playmobil during the easter holidays.

Tonight, after seeing the mighty Hot Fuzz again, we turned said LEGO into something magical:

KAT Photo

Not only that, I have made up some LDraw instructions, viewable in Bricksmith on a Mac and some other software on a PC. Here is a preview:

KAT Instructions

The file to download is but 4KB. You know you want it.

We was Kim, Anita, Tim and myself, hence the cunning acronym of KAT.

So… damn… cunning… I may just burst.

Also, for photos from Germany (though mostly France) from a few weeks ago:

- http://www.flickr.com/photos/89153937@N00/sets/72157600158472923
- http://s161.photobucket.com/albums/t212/WendyR_photos/Strassbourg/
- http://timsymons.com/wp-gallery2.php?g2_itemId=3202

One project down, one Java beast to go.
