
2002.  (Monday)

Been neglecting the websites lately, on account of having things to do in the real world, much less time for the unreal. However, haven't been completely slacking; been slowly working on updates to all current sites, two brand new ones, and archived versions of nine or so very old ones. I hope to finish everything over the next week, have it uploaded by December 30th. If I don't have it done by then, it probably won't be done for months; lots of things to do next year.

My websites are getting, on average, about 20 hits a day, which ends up at about 500-600 hits a month, which is nice. People are finding me using search engines once more, looking for comic books and things about iBooks.

If you're busting to know what's coming, iBook Swan will finally be updated for Mac OS X 10.2, my Comic Book Library will have many comics added, and the archives will feature long-offline comics and crap that I wrote long ago.

Hopefully within seven days,