2002. (Friday)
Back Home Again
Back Home Again
So, I was planning on writing a whole bunch of delicious reviews of the tens of shows I've seen over the last few days. For I have seen Great and Wonderful things, things that you really should see for yourself.
But, instead, I get home to discover that the tension between mother and father has escalated yet further, way beyond what it was in 1998.
Why the Fuck are they still together? They're only causing each other hideous amounts of pain...
My dad thinks he's doing everything right; works hard to provide for his family, tries to look after them. He feels let down by my mother; she's not what he expects.
My mum feels she has wasted the best years of her life, or so I imagine, and is obsessed with the past, with patterns.
They never actually bothered to work out what they wanted from marriage before they wed.
Neither of them loves the other. They both know this, and yet they continue...
They both make me very angry and I haven't a fucking clue what's going to happen.
And, despite my best efforts, I am the diplomatic-go-between again. Fuck.
Again with the 37 hours awake, but this time it's not pleasant ear tickling by the goldfishies. No... They are piranhas, now, biting, slicing, tearing at my rotten mind...
"Stinking, fucking, rotting hatred."
I don't want this.
Let me... out?