
2002.  (Thursday)

It just occurred to me that, although I've written that I passed my exams, I never told you what my actual grades were. So:

Elementary Logic = 1st
Greek Philosophy = 2:1
Epistemology & Metaphysics = 2:2
Modern Philosophy = 2:2
Ethics & Politics = 2:2

Which, for those who go, "guh?" at university grading schemes, is the equivalent of ABCCC, respectively.

Logic is piss-easy, hence not a surprise. Greek was a "guh?!" moment (it was a high 2:1). All the rest make perfect sense, what with the no revising or reading anything all year...


I told my tutor that my exams would determine whether or not I continue on with my BA. Because, although Philosophy is engaging enough as a subject, I've not enjoyed the university experience at all. I made no friends last year, did fuck-all with my time... In fact, had I failed those exams, it would have been a complete waste. As it is, I can at least continue into my second year... Justify to myself the time lost... Fucking joy.

A little derailed there... What I was trying to say was that, because I'm not dumb enough to fail, I'm stuck doing something of questionable worth for the next two years...

Sure, I could just quit.

But that won't happen.
