
2002.  (Friday)
Suicide Webcams

Seven hours until exams. Still haven't read a book in months. I think I shall fail this year.

In lighter news, the reason I bothered to read all of this journal was because of this entry. Why did it interest me so? Because of something I wrote back on April 15th:

"Suicide webcams? You'd think there'd be loads of the wee buggers, wouldn't you? I would. You've got millions and millions of people using the Interweb and a hell of a lot of those people are poor, demented nutbars with no social skills and bad smells; prime candidates for self-imposed natural selection.
    "With great power comes great responsibility. That is, with the ability to talk to the entire world, you must consider the entire world's needs. So. You're going to blow your brains out? Do it on a webcam for Bob's sake! And set it up so that your website archives the photo, maybe even with a little goodbye. And include easy-to-Google keywords, such as "suicide webcam". Please.
    "In this way, when morbid fiends such as myself go in search of real-life head-splodes, we won't be disappointed by generic porn pages and the false-hope-raising "suicide || webcam" site menu fragment."

Different endings, but they started so similar. Sweet.