
2002.  (Thursday)
Art Fags

Been wandering around emo/artfag sites these past couple of days, seeing the strange looking people and searching for those with websites of their own.

This and this and this are probably the best of the bunch.

Also, people looking for "pronstar"s have come across my own Caleb site and this one also. I mock those who cannot even spell "porn" correctly.

So... Why have I been looking at all these sites? I'll tell you why, Bubba; Because my end of year exams start tomorrow and I've yet to read a single thing. Not a thing. Do you dig that? I don't even know where the exams are happening! I'm planning on dragging myself into uni later today and finding out, but then I also planned to start revising over five weeks ago...


The worst part is, I enjoy Philosophy. I do actually like the subject, and reading it is fun. Alas, I am also prone to the "if I don't try, I can't fail" school of thought. So I don't try... and yet still fail?


So, anyway, this is a new look for the diary. It's also the new look for the evilly-layered Personal Detail site I've designed on my iBook. But that won't be uploaded for a few weeks yet, not until after I've finished all my exams.

The picture on the right is stolen also. I recently got a teeny tiny digital camera, and the pictures I take with that will feature prominently once I get back to my home connection. But, for now, with the putting-off-revision and still-being-at-university, you'll just have to make do with plain text.

One final link; read this diary. I signed up for this d-x thing ages ago, but then promptly forgot about it. I've done similar things a couple of times before, and will no doubt a third time after today... Anyway, that diary is one of the few I bothered to look at before writing this entry, and the person who it belongs to is going to be a journalist. And we all love journalists.