Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine InterfaceEnlarge Cover Enlarge Cover

Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine Interface

Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine Interface, collects 1 - 11, chapters 1 - 6 (1: Prologue, 2: Underwater, 3: Circuit Weapon, 4: Flyby Orbit, 5: Mold of Life, 6: Epilogue)

Writing: Masamune Shirow
Translation: Frederik L. Schodt and Toren Smith
Art: Masamune Shirow
Letters: Tom Orzechowski and Dan Jackson
Cover: Masamune Shirow
Editor: Chris Warner
English Version: Studio Proteus

Dark Horse Comics

312 Pages (Story: 298)

Colour and Black & White

$24.95 USA

ISBN: 1-59307-204-X

January 2005