
2002. (Saturday)
0091 - Pretty On Up

A little bit of catch up.

At the end of last month, I finally got around to registering megasad.com.
    I've been using the name ever since I first got online, back in April 1999, back with www.megasad.freeserve.co.uk. 'Caleb Newcastle's Sad and Obsessive Comic Library' was the focus, currently manifesting as plain, vanilla Comic Book Library. A better name soon, honest, with Version 8, MySQL and PHP.
    Next, I used Freenetname to register www.megasad.co.uk, used that domain for personal sites about me; artwork, stories, et cetera. Then, in April 2001, I killed off all my websites; burn out.
    In September 2001, after a break, just before starting university, some sites returned at homepage.ntlworld.com/greywater. However, tied to an ISP like all previous, I moved to homepage.mac.com/megasad soon after.
    Then Apple went evil and capitalist on me, demanding money for their 'free' service. Screw those hippies. I'm going to have to pay for my websites, after three years of not? I might as well get full CGI, PHP, MySQL abilities, for the future if nothing else. And Server Side Includes couldn't do too much harm either.
    So, megasad.com. At least for the next three years; it expires in 2005.

In a week, I go to Edinburgh, to enjoy much merriment and revelry. And, to make things sweeter? I apply for press accreditation!
    What's that? I don't work for The Press? Of course I do! Haven't you heard of Megasad Preview? A quality, Pop. Art magazine, released once a quarter, first issue appearing on all good news stands, this October. The main feature? The Edinburgh Fringe Festival!
    What's that? I'm speaking a complete load of bollocks? Ah, not according to this note I hold in my hand, written on 100% genu-wine, company-headed note-paper, I've received from my boss, Caleb Newcastle. All legal and above board. Mm-hmm.

Which reminds me. Darren? Remember AbbeyView.

And and, all you crazy kids who bother to write to me? Write to me at caleb@megasad.com from now on. Hoo-hah.
    Want myname@megasad.com? My hosting plan lets me set up as many mailboxes as I wish, and each one gets both web and POP3 access. So, if you want, let me know, and I'll hook you up. It'll be just like Yahoo! or Hotmail... Only without the shitty adverts, with free POP3 access, and the privilege of letting me read your mail whenever I feel the urge... Ho yeah!

What's the first thing you remember? Not the first thing that comes into your head, but the first thing you can remember happening. Think back. Immediately, I can think back to the age of seven, picking a chicken pox on my arm, a summer afternoon, golden light dripping into the living room through amber curtains, a kung-fu movie on the television. Before that? Crying in playgroup, age 4? 5?, because I wanted the animal ark and my mother was leaving. Before that?

Before that?

That's as far back as I can remember right now. I can remember being told of things before then; kissing my sister sixteen times on her forehead when she was first brought home, I aged two

Pissing in my own mouth when I was new born in hospital, my nappy in the process of being changed.

How did I go from there to here?