
2002. (Monday)

Moo hoo ha... ha?

What's going on? Where have I been? Was the last one of these really written back in October last year? Well, damn! That was right at the beginning of the academic year, back when we who were Brave had left our homes and settled in new lands, with the aim of learning Great and Terrible things, so that we might find gainful employment as... something.

Sweet fuck all has happened over the last six months, at least for me. For you, shit has happend. Fans have been hit. Chunky chocolate milkshake. But not me. A little bit of drama, right at the beginning, with the discovery of a very Bad thing, the scramble for shelter... But then nothing. I've been 'studying' Philosophy for six months. Which is to say, going to lectures, writing about musical fruits, sleeping... But I'm not doing anything important, with anyone else or by myself.

Can you grasp what I'm telling you? NOTHING has happened. Which is kind of a let down.

Nothing happening does not lend well to writing about stuff that has happened.

It's the easter holidays. I go home for a little while, revise for the rest, do exams in May.

Then, a whole great stretch of more nothing, three sticky months of it.

Then, another year and a half of nothing.

Then nothing.


Want good films? See; Brazil, Requiem for a Dream, Pi, Boyz N The Hood, Open Your Eyes, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. All on your own, not with other people.

Eat food on a regular basis and let that basis be more often than once a day.

Know that if you

Fuck it. My music is running out. I have nothing to say, so probably shan't for another six months, whereupon I shall let you know that nothing is continuing to happen.
