
2001. (Sunday)
0058 - 3months (and 2days)

That's over a quarter of a year, kids. 94 days. It seems less. But what ya gonna do? I've been dwelling on this far too much of late. I need to get on with things. Can't keep living in the past anymore.
I remember when we used to wanna hang out, I remember we could talk about anything.
Extremely exaggerated and rose-tinted.
So forget the dream and the scans of scrawlings. Pretty pictures are far more direct...

Damn. I'm rested and so cannot write much anything. Seems I need to be on the verge of collapse to get any work done.

Those enthusiastic ones of you in Year 12 have already started looking at what universities you'd like to maybe go to. So to help you all out a bit, and show another example of when I've had to cave, I've attached my personal statement. Apparently it was a fairly good one (well, it was acceptable anyway), so if you want to write a good one too, rip this off and make it prettier and truer. Damn know I could have used this help when I was frantically knocking something together last November.

In Maths today Dr Andrews asked us to take off our "outside coats". Why we'd be wearing inside coats I don't know... but the point was one of etiquette. She thought it was rude for us to wear coats. We were cold. So I kept mine on whilst I stopped work and wrestled with whether to take off my coat or not. For I do not consider it rude to wear a coat when it is cold. Anyway, after some thinking I was asked why the coat remained upon me. And I said I was thinking about it. And this seemed to stump her. And people looked at me as if I was a fool, telling me to "just take the coat off". And Andrews said she wouldn't teach us if we kept our coats on. And so I caved. Gave up all that I held as right and true. Wearing a coat? Nay, the principle of the thing. And I know that more and more as I get older I'll have to compromise. I'll have to do what other people want just to make things easier for myself. Because whilst I thought Andrews was speaking complete bollocks regarding the coat, it is her right to choose not to teach me. Even for something as petty as a disagreement over etiquette. So to make it easier on myself (doing an A Level when your teacher refuses to mark your work is pretty tricky, especially with the coursework) I folded. To be fair, I did get her to close the window. But the fact remains that compromising is a yucky thing that has to happen more and more as you get older. When you're a child (or at least when I was) you either get your own way or it didn't matter. Maybe I was just lucky in that my wishes didn't clash that much with those of other people. But now they do, and they will more and more. For school is a very sheltered version of the world. Grammar school especially so. You're all most of you sane. But there are bigots and scum in the world who I'll have to deal with. And unless I learn how to headbutt with impunity, I'll have to make nice with them. What was the point of this unparagraphed mess? Simply that I'd appreciate it if you don't put me in a position where I have to compromise.

So the personal statement is mostly from the heart. Or at least tongue in cheek. But that fifth paragraph (the one about friends) was pure bullshit, included only because Pusey (my form tutor) wouldn't approve the beast (necessary to get my school's backing (recommendation et cetera)) unless I had some arse-licking in it.


That was all written on Friday, for release on Sunday the 11th. Alas, I left the disk at school and so I had to leave it until now (Monday or Tuesday depending on sleep).

Also attached you will find Uncle Sam #2, all coloured in for your enjoyment. Enjo-o-oy it.

Can you dig the pointlessness of this weekend just gone? I didn't wake up until after 6pm on both Saturday and Sunday, hence getting absolutely no coursework done. And since it's all due in on Friday and I haven't even started it yet... well, what I'm doing writing this crap is anyone's guess.

And speaking of crap... the complete opposite of that sticky brown substance debuted in the form of a new column over at my MSP site this weekend. Called 'I'M NOT TRYING TO WRITE ANYTHING GOOD...', it is written by my good friend Jenny Leung and can be found at http://www.megasad.co.uk/jenny/. What is it exactly? I'll leave that for you to decide. And whilst you're there, have a look at the shiny new features in the MSP site proper (http://www.megasad.co.uk/). There's more artwork, more onmouseover jibba jabba and a whole load more. English Coursework? It's a good job Caleb doesn't know what that is...


Tuesday morning and I remembered a thing that I signed up for a few days ago for reasons which were never very clear. Attached it be, to make this weekly even slower for you poor saps to download. I'm just too kind.

By way of compensation, here's a website that I think you might enjoy:
