
2000. (Thursday)
0044 - clearout

Today (Thursday) I didn't wake up until 3pm. And so school was missed.

Last night I cleared out a whole load of crap from my bedroom. Amongst the cinema stubs, old buspasses, three-year-old pocket-notes (all of which are now in the black binbags outside) I found an envelope.
Upon its back were words, written in my hand.
But when had I written them?
And what in fudge's name were they about?
Attached it is, for you to work out yourself.
About two hours later, I did actually remember what it was about. And unfortunately it was a bit of a let down.
To make things fun again.
What do you think the envelope was gibbering about?
Best answers shall be included in the weekly following their receipt.


That's my candidate number (4004) in (regular, no signed) binary. I worked that out in my English Module on Tuesday. Which could have been why I ran out of time on Question 10...

My room is now clean.

All the crap has been thrown out.

Clean out your room.