
2000. (Monday)
0015 - So a teeny-tiny bit from me. And something else from Sticky Dicky.

Hey kids.

I was way too tired to write anything profound this week. So I didn't.

Richard Drinkwater, however, did have something to say. So here it is.


Hi there everybody.

This is just a quick email that I am going to send. This will have to do until my computer recovers from the attack of the pixie. This had to be sent from Caleb as I do not have your email address. Well, that's a lie. The real reason is that I can't be bothered to type all fifteen or something in, as it would take too long. As it is, I am typing this at home, saving it to disk and then giving it to Caleb.

Now for a quick questionnaire. Please would you fill this in and answer truthfully. Your name will not be used, so anything you say will be in complete confidence and no names will be used in either the questions or when the results are published in one of my emails. Questions marked * can be ommited in part or in whole if you wish.

1) Do you have a boy / girlfriend?
2) Do you wish you had, if you answered no?
3) Would you / did you ask the person out?
4) Why and where? *
5) What do you think that members of the opposite sex like:
    a) for a gift?
    b) as an activity?
    c) in a person?
6) What do YOU like:
    a) for a gift?
    b) as an activity?
    c) in a person?
7) How many people have you been out with (in the last two years)? *
8) Have you ever felt envious of a person because of love? *

Please could you send this to my normal email address. Thank you.


People in the To: box are people Richard usually sends his shite out to. People in the Cc: box are people I usually send my shite out to, who aren't included in the To: box already. Hope you enjoy the amazingness of nothing.
