
2000. (Tuesday)
0013 - Self indulgent shite. Don't worry. It's the end.

Hey spiny anteaters.

Wo ho ho, have I got a load of junk to write this week. Have I? Hella yeah.

Where to start? I made my computer all nice and shiny. Wiped everything off the hard drive (except my 2GB of personal stuff [obviously]) and reinstalled Windows '98. So now my computer (renamed Yelena) runs hella fast, crashes way less often (only a couple times every day), and boots up without a whole load of stupid error messages.

Bad things though. My outlook spellchecker? Apparently I don't write in English. 'Cos when I spellchecked an e-mail for the first time, pretty much every word didn't exist. So I had to make them (exist). Which blew. And I don't have Photoshop anymore. So lens flares are gonna be muy tricky to produce.

Anyway. PSP6! Office 2000! Shininess! All is well.

So it's the easter holidays, in case none of you had noticed. Woo hoo. Two weeks of doing... all that homework I didn't do last term and they're saying I have to if I want to stay at school. Do I want to stay at school? I guess. Beats working.

Hmm... let's think up some deep and meaningful something for me to rant about for a bit ^_^















Hoom. Guess I didn't have that much to say after all. So I'll hand over the reigns to the Drinkwater and the Rees. They're way better at this weekily e-mail shite than me. I feel like I've been spreading myself too thin recently anyways. Time to concentrate my creative skills on other avenues of life. And if you're desperate for my ramblings you can always sign up to the mailing list I have gone going on at www.megasad.freeserve.co.uk. So if none of you (apart from those who already have) do, then that'll prove how popular this shite really was...

Forever Later (like, in personal e-mails),