
2000. (Monday)
0009 - So I only spent se7en hours doing it all really... and here's the dream.

Hey kids.

So I was gonna spend 28 hours doing all my homework.

Then I decided to spend 7 instead. 'Cos I just couldn't be arsed.

15 minutes an essay? Nooo problem ^_^

Anyway, I've just got to hand something in to not get thrown off the course.

So anyway...

Do I appear gay to you?

It's just something I've realised recently. I went to the doctor a few weeks ago and he was asking about how my life was going and junk and he asked whether I had a girlfriend or a boyfriend. And then the other day my mum asks me whether there's anything I want to talk about concerning relationships and junk. About how I can probably tell her anything but not my dad. And my dad totally hates gays...

Am I just being paranoid here?

So now for that dream I had on the 16th.


I'm in morning registration in R2 and then some weird shit happens.

I'm being chased out of the room by everyone and I don't know why. I leap through the door and swerve to the right whilst in mid-air. The corridor is way longer than it should be and I'm kinda running down it but it's more a leaning forward flying type thang. I lean left and shoot through the doors into the outside. The lecture theatre's way taller than it should be, like a gothic cathedral looming above me with gargoyles with glowing eyes and junk. It's extremely overcast and rain's falling in sheets. I turn to my right and see a sunny garden with a red-brick wall running along its left edge. It's mid-day. I run down the garden and jump onto the wall. Shards of green glass have been cemented into its top and my feet are bare. And they bleed but I don't feel any pain. I run along the top of the wall as fast as I can and it becomes an extremely narrow path high above the town. I run and run and I don't fall even though I'm jumping across gaps ten feet wide and bricks are crumbling behind me. As I run I get faster and faster until I'm a blur. Then suddenly it's the end of the wall and I'm only about fifteen feet from the ground. I'm at the bottom of the road. I turn in mid-air so that I'm facing the way I came and then, still moving with amazing speed, I launch myself from the wall and land on my right foot, skidding to a halt and leaving a bloody strip in front of me. I turn round and walk casually away. A guy walking past comments on the kewlness of this.

I'm walking up the road towards the school with two of my friends. We're talking about who we love and junk and then this car, blue and big, pulls out of a garage and nearly runs us down. One of my friends starts swearing at the driver and waving his middle finger at the car. The car pulls to a halt and the driver rolls down his window. He's a middle aged man and he asks what the problem is. My friend shouts that he nearly killed us. The guy laughs and says he's on his way to a paedophile convention. He's got a ten year old girl sitting on his lap. Everything slows down. My friend gets a machine gun out of his bag and drops his bag to the ground. The guy ducks down in his seat. My friend pulls the trigger. Bullets race towards the car. The guy holds the little girl up above him. The bullets tear through her face and chest and she screams. Then she dies. My friend drops the gun and shit speeds up to normal. My friend's mumbling sorrys and asking god for forgiveness. I tell him we need to get out of here. We run and we're about twenty yards away when we realise our other friend isn't with us. We look back and see him bend down to pick up the gun. He slides over to the driver who's pissing himself and crying that he doesn't deserve this. The young girl's body is slumped faceless in the passenger's seat. This is an American car 'cos the driver's seat is on the left. Shit speeds up and my other friend shoots the driver in the head. Twice. Then I'm running by myself towards the school. I pass the girl and her friend and she says she has to tell me something but I can't stop and I keep running. It's really sunny and hot.

I'm back in the garden and I can see the wall. The girl's running after me and I try to stop so I can talk to her but I can't. I jump onto the wall and keep running. This time pain shoots through me as the glass tears at my feet. Looking back I can see the girl sitting down beneath a tree and chunks of my feet stuck in the wall. I weave along the wall, moving with it, jumping over gaps. Then I stop. I turn round jump into the air and fly back towards the girl.

My feet are fine and I'm happy. I've just told the girl I love her and she says she loves me and we kiss. Then I'm out of my body looking down and I'm not me anymore. I'm Willow from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I go Oh Shit and then I wake up.


Sweet. If it hadn't been for that really shite ending it would have rocked way more, but that's what comes from watching way too much Buffy and not living enough.

Comments people? On second thoughts, only if they're kewl. Ixnay on the ha has, 'kay?

Um... that'd be it for now. I meant to send the stimulant e-mail on Friday but couldn't be arsed. Which is why I'm sending it now, a couple minutes before this one. If you know what I mean. And I'm sure that you do.

Next week? Oh, I have a few ideas. You'll just have to wait and see which one I choose...


PS - Jude said I was writing these e-mails with the intention of being as fucked up as possible for the sake of being as fucked up as possible. This is not true. They're fucked up 'cos that's what I'm thinking when I write 'em. And the dreams are just what I've dreamed. I could not tell you them, but I thought I would 'cos it's fun (for me red). The real reason I'm writing these? Tune in next week for the exciting revelation ^_-