w e b s i t e s
I maintain five websites: Caleb My main website at present. Home of all my writings, artwork, comics et cetera. Very minimalist. Caleb Newcastle's Sad and Obsessive Comic Library Made to keep track of all my comics, this is the first website I ever built. I learnt HTML as I made it. The Freaks Webshite A repository of information about my friends from secondary school, so that when I get older I can remember them. The HomePage Built for my house at school. This site is very out of date and was never actually used. Now it is but a parody. www.TRANSMETROPOLITAN.co.uk A website about Warren Ellis' political satire, Transmetropolitan. Will contain issue synopses, essays about the book and artwork. And help two others: 'I'M NOT TRYING TO WRITE ANYTHING GOOD...' A fortnightly column written by my good friend, Jenny Leung. Lo-fidelity Dan's Website A personal website with funny content.