d i a r y

2001.04.16  ::  Tuesday

Killed off every single one of my websites.  Removed all files (over 60MB worth) from all servers and left nought but these words:

"Gone for good.  It's been fun.  Bye.  (no future)"

2001.04.10  ::  Tuesday

Worked out some of the kinks in the layers on the front page...  Reduced the total file size by a whole 2 bytes!

2001.04.09  ::  Monday

I know layers!  I can position text, images and anything else, exactly where I want on the screen, to the PIXEL, in both Internet Explorer AND Netscape Navigator.  -droool-

(So it fucks up in Opera...  but who on earth uses that piece of shite, anyway?  IE and Netscape are more than enough for me.)

I also got around to visiting GHTML and acquired that tasty little DHTML scroller that seems to be popping up on far too many sites in recent months...  It looks pretty!  And at least I have bothered to make some good looking graphics to go with it...  Yes.  So I made a new splash page.

2001.04.08  ::  Sunday

Made yet another splash page...  It is red!

2001.04.06  ::  Friday

Fuck!  It is 1am!  Fuck!

2001.04.04  ::  Wednesday

Got hit in the face by a CD whilst playing frisbee with it in school.  After wiping away the blood, I smashed it up into little bitty pieces.  And got some clear perspex and glue.  And fashioned a reconstruction.  And then made two pictures out of it.  See them here and here and read about the both of them here.

2001.04.01  ::  Sunday

I never really got the point of splash pages until this weekend.  As far as I could see they were just like magazine covers... only on a website, where a cover is not really necessary.  But I was overlooking an important factor; they can look damn sweet.  So you probably saw my new one (featuring Celine Barbe) when you came here.  And if you skipped past it, go have a proper look.  It is so pretty!

2001.03.28  ::  Wednesday

Did not wake up until 12:15pm...

2001.03.27  ::  Tuesday

Got an offer from another university (at last) to read Philosophy.  ABB.  Which means I have got to choose between there and here.  Decisions decisions...

2001.03.24  ::  Saturday

Actually got around to writing some diary entries for the last week or so.  Stuff has been happening!  Go see the new main page at my comic library.

2001.03.23  ::  Friday

I finally got to present an assembly at school!  Took long enough (since last November).  You can read a cut down version of it (sans my spectacular vocal talents) in number 62.  And that includes some very nice artwork from 'Brooklyn Dreams' by Glenn Barr.
     Speaking of my column; you can read the latest instalment at http://www.megasad.co.uk/weekly/ whenever I release one.  So bookmark that page for future reference if you do not receive my column via email.


2001.03.21  ::  Wednesday

It snowed!  Lots!
    Went to London to go to the university open day.  It is a very nice place, and so will most likely be my first choice, with another as insurance.
     After that I met up with Jenny and went and bought toys and comics.  We got Spider!  And I picked up a book called 'Brooklyn Dreams' for 50p which was surprisingly good.  And Jenny received the baguette.

2001.03.19  ::  Monday

Did far too much today:

So my hair is short.  It feels weird.  And apparently baguettes go stale after one day... so I will have to buy a new one on Wednesday morning.  Why?  Ah, therein lies a tale.  One which I can not be bothered to type up.  And hair-gel sucks.

2001.03.13  ::  Tuesday

I have decided what I am going to do with my www.crunchybunny.co.uk webspace; write about every animal that has ever existed.  Read more in 60.  There is not much there now, but come the end of my A Levels I will start playing Noah.
     In other news... oh fuck it.  Why did I even start this diary?  I guess because there was a whole lot of stuff going on in my life...  Then I start this beast and it all grinds to a halt.  But luckily no one yet reads it.  On account of my never actually updating it.  Go play at shodown.net whilst I sort myself out.

2001.03.05  ::  Monday

Went to look at a damn fine university on Saturday, with an extremely interesting looking course.  But not what I want to do for the next three years.  So it is Philosophy in London for definite now.
     Became a moderator on hotornot.com, and wasted far too much time deciding whether or not people could show the world their ugly mugs.
     Also spoke in ICQ for far too long...
     And got around to writing replies to people I really should have written to earlier.
     Now it is time for my patented half-hour nap before I go to school.
     Incubus are fucking amazing.

2001.03.01  ::  Thursday

Moo hoo ha ha!  I be a wise boy tonight.  Was thinking about how I would have to be at my computer every damn day in order to upload my new diary entries...  Figured how this sucked goats...  Remembered that shiny JS technique of inserting text from independent files into a HTML document...  Got myself my very own version of Blogger!  Simply refer to the diary.js file in my ntl webspace and I can update this diary whenever I want for free, instead of having to pay stinky connection charges to upload to this server.  Supoirb.

2001.02.27  ::  Tuesday

I finally finished work on this version of the site and uploaded it for all to see.  I also did not wake up until 6pm yesterday.  So very little school-work was completed by me this half-term.
     It is 4:30am.  Eegads!  I should get some sleep before I go to school...
     Oh, I do not have anything worth saying right now.  What have I been doing?  Working on this site, fool!  I will try again in a few days, after actually going out and living for a change.
