This Website’s Design

I’ve been slowly working away at the current content, tweaking it how I like, planning ways I want the site to work.

I’m not going to have a month-based archive as it appears now, am simply going to have the ten most recent entries appearing at the top of the front page and then the full archive listed below that, title and date only, which will be links to the full text.

There will be no “page” structure as such (/page/2, /page/3 etc.), no explicit “archive”, just one front page, the “about” page, and then the search results, which will list the title, date and first paragraph.

Comments were enabled by default but I don’t want other people writing on my website, so I removed the ability to add new ones.  I may also remove the current ones but need to work out how to merge any important information with the entries themselves.

And then finally, after all that, then I’ll look at the font face, colours and layout I want to use.

The visual theme will come last.

UPDATE, 21st February 2010: I would also replace the few videos I currently have hosted on YouTube with self-hosted SublimeVideo content.  And the possibility of a maximum-width optimised for a certain 768x1024px resolution, for obvious reasons