
These are a selection of some of the best skins I've found. Each includes a readme file that tells you how to install them. As long as you remember to increase the total number of models in the models.dat file you should have no problems running them. - 34.7KB
Darth Maul by Marc Sauve. This is a sneak peak from the new episode 1 skins. It's an excellent skin and is very popular on the Microsoft Gaming Zone. - 59.3KB
Do you want to be a wookie? This patch lets you have a hairy arse in multi-player games. I don't know why, but people seem to like them. Thanks to Todd Kirby all the same. - 687KB
Episode 1: The Phantom Menace skins. 20 odd excellent skins by AK_Slade. There are at least three with light staffs as you can see in the picture. This is version 2 of the skins and you will need Patch Commander to run them.

Page created May 30th, 1999.