
Here you can find a selection of the best single-player levels I've nicked from other sites on the web. I particularly like the Mouldy Crow. Try it for yourself. More levels will be put up shortly, especialy if you send me some rather then making me look for them. - 36.1KB
The Hunt for Leeda. You lift off after rescuing the Mouldy Crow from Officer Kadack only to discover that your light saber is missing. You head for Asdertia to find Leeda (Kadack's second in command) to 'persuade' him to tell you where it is. This is way too easy and some of the objects are poorly placed. Thanks to Evan C. for this level. - 39.0KB
The Mouldy Crow. You had to borrow a TIE Bomber to complete your mission. You don't nead the bomber anymore, so it's time to find your faithful old ship; the Mouldy Crow. Ryan made this level, and a pretty good one it is too.

Page created May 30th, 1999.