
2003.  (Saturday)


I sleep a whole bunch. And when I'm not doing that, I work. And other stuff.

I have a full-time job now, starting on Tuesday, that I've been doing as part-time for the last couple of months. It is a job that pays rent and bills and food and this is good for now.

I know I have to go back into education in September, if only so that my mind does not rot away. But I don't know what as. Something un-mind-rotting. If at my old university, I can do anything I want without having to apply as such; just ask by August and, if there's a place, I'm in. Elsewhere, I need to apply. So maybe not until September 2004. I draw things out...

Website jibba jabba.

Comic Book Library; finally bothered to work out how to run my own guestbook within my own domain, rather than relying on dodgy free Greek thing. Just need to make it look purty before moving over.

iBook Swan; need to write actual content and then make it look and work good.

Megasad Detail; need to archive existing stuff, move to /archive/diaryx/, all the old stuff (0001 - 0092) to /archive/weekly/. Then need to make Movable Type look good. I got Movable Type working! Yes, just need to get it looking good, then can use that instead of this free thing here. /detail/, once it exists.

/archive/ needs actual title pages written, so that people know what is what without having to dig and dig. Or maybe just put them in some form of chronological order.

New splash page needed, spanglier and more scope.

Make purty favicons for all current sites, a main one for for all sites that didn't have them when I made them.

Tidy up /zoom/.


This is not personal any more, like it has been. Maybe in the future, once I move. But not now.