LEGO Mike’s Castle

Mike brought his LEGO up from Cardiff about a week ago and so we built a castle:

LEGO Mike's Castle #1

LEGO Mike's Castle #2

LEGO Mike's Castle #3

LEGO Mike's Castle #4

LEGO Mike's Castle #5

LEGO Mike's Castle #6

LEGO Mike's Castle #7

LEGO Mike's Castle #8

LEGO Mike's Castle #9

A little rickety and oddly spaced due to a somewhat limited supply of parts, there are four whole levels (dungeon, court, balcony and roof). Stairs take you from the dungeon to the court and the court to the balcony, whilst a retractable ladder takes you to the roof. There are pretty flames and leaves, a rifle-wielding Merlin and even a monkey-loving dragon.

Also, in non-LEGO news, I did my first presentation ever today and it went fairly well. Got to use my MacBook and its remote control and Keynote to be all swish-like and I think I was both coherent and entertaining with the talking about GNU and Richard Stallman and BSD. Hoo-hah.